A Word From the Pastor
A word from the heart:
I grew up in a loving family and my parents taught us to be "polite" and to be "good Christians." I was "polite" and I went to church as early as I can remember... until I started my teen age as my eyes were opened to the teen age’s lusts and my struggle between follow God versus follow the world got harder each day; on one hand I wanted to obey God and on the other hand I wanted to adventure the pleasures of this world.
This struggle grew every day and as much as I indulged myself in youthful lusts my love for Jesus Christ brought sadness to my heart as I did not want to displease Him but I could not help it as I was enslaved to my sins. Tens of times I tried to change myself and repent but I failed miserably since I was depending on my personal righteousness and strength to save myself.
I started reading the New Testament and my inner struggle got worse; I figured out that I am not only a sinner because of what I do; I lie, I steal, I cheat...etc. but because who I am; I am a sinner by nature and my heart is corrupt; I hate, I envy, I lust...etc. These are not sinful acts rather sinful intents. I was so convicted and helpless: "I could not change or control my bad actions; then how could I change my fallen nature and inner sinful desires?" That conviction got even worse when I read in the Bible about the love of God in Jesus Christ and how much He suffered on the cross to save us! I was broken because I knew I was breaking His heart.
One day at a small prayers meeting, I cried out to God: "God, I tried to change myself and I failed miserably, I will not try to change again, please do something, have mercy on me, YOU change me..."
At that very moment, I felt that the burden of sin fell off my shoulders, God created a new heart in me, I was forgiven, my conscience got an indescribable peace, I got free from the bondage of sin and I knew I was born again.
That does not mean I became perfect or sinless, but I experienced what the Bible says: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2nd Corinthians 5:17)
Every sinner can receive this life changing experience through the New Birth when he repents and accepts the gift of grace of God by faith. St Paul says: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9.)
Finally, I love to share with you the most glorious and important verse in the entire Bible: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (Gospel of John 3:16.)
Are you tired of your sins?
Are you disappointed by people's betrayal?
Are you discouraged by life's struggles?
Are you anxious about your eternal destiny after death?
The Lord Jesus Christ is the answer since He is the Incarnated God who died on the cross to redeem and save you, so;
Believe in Him,
Obey Him faithfully through His Holy Word,
Deny yourself, carry the cross and follow Him.
Dear friends,
We invite you to attend our services. Bring your families and friends with you.
Contact us if you have any prayer requests or if you need any spiritual help; we are willing to visit you, answer your questions, pray for you and offer you spiritual and personal help and guidance.
It does not matter what age, ethnicity, religion or denomination you are. We work hard to be a spiritual family for everyone who attends our church, to teach the biblical truth and to provide love and fellowship to all in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Pastor Nicolas Yasmine
القس نقولا ياسمين
(pictured above with his wife, Samia)